2008 - Incorporation
Vac-Ex Ltd incorporated
VAC-EX Ltd began designing & manufacturing vacuum excavation units in 2008. After years in the UK Vacuum Excavation hire industry, we found it difficult to source the bespoke specialist equipment required to better suit certain contracts we encountered.
From the beginning, we were able to utilise the experience we gained through our sister company "VAC-EX Hire" to provide our customers with different innovative & bespoke units.
The T-VAC was our very first significant production unit after following a request from Scottish Water to provide a vacuum excavation unit to suit their specific site constraints & requirements.
Vac-Ex Ltd incorporated
Dump-Ex unit - Based on a dumper, this in-house developed unit extended range and options of safe excavation techniques that could be offered to our customers.
Kasia moved back to her home country of Poland. Although working mainly for the Civils and Hire division, Kasia helped Vac-Ex Ltd in the very early days and was truly one of 'The Team'.
Tunnel Vac - Developed & manufactured for a 5 km clean up operation. This process reduced the traditional clean-out time by a third.
Vac-Ex Ltd re-branded ...
AIR-EX Lance – Following its development, this was our first major order following a series of successful trials – Pictured is Andy Cox of Morrison Utilities.
AIR-VAC launched - This model is now superseded by the 2018 AIR-VAC 2 unit.
AIR-EX Lance – Following extensive trials & testing by National Grid, we receive our letter of acceptance.
New Head Office – Our manufacturing facilities were moved into our new Head Office we shared with the Vac-Ex Hire.
Launch & testing of the Mod-Ex 48 unit – This unit was exported to Ireland to carry out new water meter installs.
Installation of our new training & testing pit at our new head office.
Launch of the Mod-Ex 52's unit – This unit was exported to the Middle East to carry out trial hole works.
Mod-Ex 25 tcw - Launched
Head office disconnects from the main gas supply & relies on both Solar PV and Wood Pellet to power and heat the main offices. On average, our electricity comsumption is so low we feed surplus back to the grid.
Mod-Ex 52 tcw - First unit exported to Australia.
Chief Engineer Mike Ball Retired - Mike was key in developing the first AIR-VAC 1 unit & both the Mod-Ex 25 & 52 units.
Allan Morland appointed as Chief Engineer
Jaume Escoriza our General Manager moved on to pastures new. Jaume was key in further developing the AIR-EX lance & cementing its future within the industry.
The prototype T-VAC 1 unit was developed for Scottish Water. This "lady" was called Abbie.
Completed a bespoke order commissioned by our sister Hire company to build a culvert cleaning unit named ‘The Mole’.
Handing over of the first T-VAC 1 (named Quinn) exported to Ireland.
Fiskal & his team receiving training on their (named ‘KARA') prior to it being shipped to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Vincent receiving training on his T-VAC 1 (named 'Layla') prior to it being shipped to Singapore.
Scottish Water winning the ‘Strictly Innovation Awards’ for the implementation & use of the T-VAC 1.
Vac-Ex Ltd aquires additional space for manufacturing.
Allan Morland our Chief Engineer retires to Cyprus. Allan played a key role in the development of the T-VAC 1 unit which laid good foundations for the company to further develop.
Rob Needham is appointed as our Chief Engineer. Rob has been part of the team since 2009
Star Award - Innovation Finalist for Scottish Waters implementation & use of the T-VAC.
Simon Bedford is appointed as UK Business Development Manager. Simon joins the team bringing experience in Engineering Sales from previous industry roles.
The T-VAC 1 track unit is launched offering further off-road mobility.
Distributor appointed for France
Current VAC-EX team at the No-Dig Live UK Exhibition
Highly Commended finalists at the Utility Week Awards 2018 for 'Supply Chain Excellence Award'. https://www.utilityweekawards.co.uk/2018-finalists
Disributor appointed for Denmark, Ireland, Romania & Australia
Winners at the 'Water Industry Awards 2019' for ' Alliancing and Partnership Initiative of the Year'. This was in recognition of Vac-Ex Ltd working closely with Morrision Plant & Fleet Services, Morrision Utilities & Thames Water helping to make dramatic improvements in efficiency, customer service & overall performance
Factory move - We moved into new premises for our growing business located on the same industrial estate in Thorne, Doncaster, UK
Disributor appointed for Japan
The newly developed second generation 'T-VAC 2' unit is launched.
No-Dig Live Exhibition
Safety in Construction Show, Loughborough.
Youngman Richardson & Co. Ltd. is appointed Distributor for New Zealand.
Disributor appointed for North Germany
Highways UK Show. The NEC, Birmingham.
2021 team photo taken after our Christmas lunch and business progress meeting.
Craig Hartley is appointed to Serice Manager.
Since joining the company in 2019 as a welder, Craig has held a variety of different positions and accumulated a wealth of knowledge.
In June of 2022 the company announced a formal separation which split into the following:
'John Mee VAC-EX Hire' was sold to 'School House Holdings Ltd, an investment company owned by Dan Bown.
'VAC-EX Ltd' is retained and run by Managing Director John Patrick Mee
The 'VAC-EX' brand and logo will continue to be utilised by 'John Mee VAC-EX Hire' under licence from 'VAC-EX Ltd' albiet under slightly different variants.
'John Mee VAC-EX Hire' will solely focus on the operated hire of Vacuum Excavator fleet whilst 'VAC-EX Ltd' continues to focus on supplying Design, Manufacture, Sales, Rental, Training, On-line commerce, and Service to the vacuum excavation industry.
Alex Gamble is appointed to the new position of 'Parts Manager'. Alex has been part of the team since 2018, bringing product and parts knowledge from time served within the Product Assembly Department.
Contact - [email protected]
Parts Shop - https://parts.vac-ex.com/contact/products/
September 2022 - No-Dig Live Exhibition
Craig Hartley has been appointed as the Service and Aftercare Manager. He has held various roles within the company, beginning his journey as a fabricator welder.
The second generation 'T-VAC 2' unit remote control hydraulic arm is offered as an option.
Configure my unit or Rental / Trial
AIR-EX 2 lance is offically launched following 18 months of industry trials.
Purchase or Further Information
Mike Wiley our Training Manager gained our NPORS Accreditation.
VAC-EX.COM is now able to offer both NPORS and Manufacturer certified training courses for Vac-Ex equipment.
Contact - [email protected]
Having worked for VAC-EX.COM for over 10 years, Sue has been fundamental to the smooth back-office operations. Her dedication and positive attitude to the job has been faultless. She is well-liked and respected by all because of her professionalism and kindness.
A big, wholehearted thank you from all of us at VAC-EX.COM. You will be missed, and we all wish you a happy and well-deserved retirement.
We installed new solar panels that have the capability to supply over 100% of our daily electric usage on most days. This impressive system harnesses sunlight efficiently, converting it into clean, renewable energy that not only meets our needs but also generates surplus power. On sunny days, the excess energy can be fed back into the grid, contributing to a more sustainable energy ecosystem. This transition not only reduces our carbon footprint but also lowers our electricity bills, providing a significant economic and environmental benefit. With this upgrade, we are taking a meaningful step towards energy independence and sustainability.
Chris Cunningham joins us as Technical Manager